454 and 459 RAAF Squadrons
Pilot Officer Kevin BLANCH
459 RAAF Squadron
Service No. 424358
Date of Birth: 16 Dec 1923
Place of Birth: MAYFIELD, NSW
Date of Enlistment: 12 Sep 1942
Date of Discharge: 24 Sep 1945
Rank: Pilot Officer
Date of Death: 08 Sep 1997
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Bob Kelly - Pilot
Tim Green - Nav B
Chic Potiar - WAG
Kevin Blanch - WAG
Kevin's operational tour was successfully completed in the Middle East in an area which he found fascinating. His period in Egypt in particular nurtured his love of history, archaeology and travel. Post War he traveled the World and Australia. Kevin set up a commercial centre at Nelson Bay, established its first supermarket and bottle shop, and became a much admired member of the local Ex-Service Club. The community relied heavily on his ideas, energy and support. His long commitment to his crew is demonstrated in the photographs during and post war. They visited him frequently for sad and glad occasions. Kev gave strong support to the Association.
In Squadron days - L-R - Bob Kelly Pilot, Kevin Blanch WAG,
Chic Potiar WAG and Tim Greenup Nav B
Post War - L-R - Bob Kelly Pilot, Kevin Blanch WAG, Chic Potiar WAG and Tim Greenup Nav B