454 and 459 RAAF Squadrons
Flight Sargeant John Harold William "Jack" FARLAND
459 RAAF Squadron

Service No. O211640 (411304) - NZ
Date of Birth: 7 Dec 1912
Date of Enlistment: 28 Apr 1941
Date of Discharge: 7 Sep 1945
Rank: Flying Officer
Date of Death: 21 May 1986
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From an email received by "Jack" Farland's son:
I have an addition for your membership roll. My father, FSgt John (Jack) Farland 411304 was in 459 squadron from 1942 onwards.
He is mentioned on these pages:
KC Nicholl and CJ Collins
He spent his post-wars years in Sydney and Orange, where he was active in the RAAF Association and ATC.
I can provide some more information, including photos, if you would like. We also have his war time diaries which mention other members of his crew (we're in the process of digitising them over time for family record).
best regards,
Richard Farland"