454 and 459 RAAF Squadrons
Squadron Leader Robert (Rollo) TEAPE-DAVIS
454 RAAF Squadron

Service No. O25167 (434871)
Date of Birth: 4 Oct 1919
Place of Birth: NEWCASTLE, NSW
Date of Enlistment: 23 Feb 1943
Date of Discharge: 11 Jan 1946
Rank: Flying Officer
Date of Death: 16 Aug 2001
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Rollo Teape-Davis joined 454 Squadron as the Nav B member of W Commander J. G. Rees (DFC. US DFC) crew. He was involved in 454's peace keeping activities and training for a Burma/Far East transfer should the need arise.
No Association records are available about his EATS training or his RAAF service, or operational tour or his Permanent Air Force career, sub-sequential or post war activities other than some verbal anecdotes about his experiences on aircraft procurement problems and procedures with an RAAF/PAF team in the USA.
There were reports of his General Duties activities as WCmdr Rees' Nav (B) , May to Aug 1945 with 454. Members may be able to provide information (an) anecdote(s) and wartime photos.